
Stastny konec tohohle blogu / Happy End of this blog

Ahoj vsichni,

kdo jste snad jeste vydrzeli a meli tenhle blog ve sve ctecce.
Pred nekolika dny jsem nasel sluzbu, ktera mne svou jednoduchosti a moznosti posilat texty emailem uspokojuje vice nez blogspot, navic je to asi trochu snaha nemit vsechny sve texty na jednom miste... tedy pridejte si prosim do bookmarky tenhle blog: http://overdrive23.posterous.com/ potazmo do RSS ctecky tenhle feed: http://overdrive23.posterous.com/rss.xml

Blog bude stridave cesky i anglicky, anglicke texty boudou oznacovany tagem: ENG, ceske tagem CZECH.

Budu rad, kdyz budete komentovat a cist, kdyztak se ozvete, pokud sami pisete sve blogy, rad budu cist.

Vice oficialni blog pro sirsi verejnost: http://petru.blog.idnes.cz/ a jeho RSS: http://petru.blog.idnes.cz/rss/


Hello all of my readers ,
[funny, because this is first English note here].
I'm really happy that some of you still have this blog in your RSS feed reader. Few days back I have found better service and I like to be little bit more decentralized too, so now all of my comments and posts will be available at this page http://overdrive23.posterous.com/ or you can use this RSS feed: http://overdrive23.posterous.com/rss.xml

Blog will be written usually in English [texts will be tagged ENG], some texts [mainly imported from this page but probably some new too will be tagged CZECH and will be written in Czech].

If you are posting something interesting somewhere, please let me know about your page or blog, I will be happy to have possibility to read and comment.

More official blog for public, but just in Czech language http://petru.blog.idnes.cz/ and RSS feed: http://petru.blog.idnes.cz/rss/